BactoPlus Fresh PSB Spray 500ml

£12.99 inc. VAT

Enhances the growth, health and colour of your fish Ideal daily food supplement Contains live Photo Synthetic Bacteria PSB produce beneficial carotene and astaxanthin Carotene and astaxanthin act as natural colour enhancers Rich source of pro-vitamin A Powerful antioxidant High levels of nutrient amino acids

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Bactoplus Fresh PSB Food Spray is a food supplement produced fresh in the Netherlands and consists of live Photo Synthetic Bacteria. The PSB produce carotene and astaxanthin. These are natural colour enhancers and a rich source of pro-vitamin A as well as a powerful antioxidant. PSB also contains high levels of nutrient amino acids.

Add PSB food spray to the fish food daily to enhance the colour, growth and health of your koi and other pond fish.

Add Bacto Fresh PSB Food Spray to the fish food daily. The water temperature should exceed 12°C. Add at least one spray per 10 grams of food, when more is added this will improve the effect. Let prepared food dry for a while and feed it to your fish. Prepared food cannot be stored.

Shake well before use. Store in a frost free, well-lit location to keep the bacteria alive.

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